Why Did Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson Never Have 6-pack Abs Despite Working Hard All His Life?

The Rock is one of the athletes with the most beautiful bodies in the world. Even though he is about to turn 49 years old, the former world wrestling champion still maintains an extremely fit body thanks to a strict training and nutrition regimen. However, The Rock’s body is not perfect.

During a recent online interview, the American wrestler received a surprising question: “What happened to cause The Rock’s stomach to have no abs?”

Faced with the above question, The Rock initially appeared surprised before bursting into laughter. The wrestler born in 1972 later explained this.

The Rock’s abdominal muscles were affected after an injury while competing

“I think everyone has this question because they have seen on Instagram that many fitness models have 6, 8, 12, 24 abs. As for me, in reality I only have 5 and a half abs, sometimes only 4 and a half abs. People don’t know that I tore a muscle in a wrestling match.

This injury affected other muscles, including my abdominal wall. Then I had surgery to repair the tears. Therefore, my abs cannot be as perfect as others,” The Rock shared.

The Rock’s answer surprised the host. “You know, it’s not his fault that he hasn’t got six-pack abs yet,” this person added.

On social networks, many people also praised The Rock’s current body.

The Rock exercises 6 days/week to maintain muscle.

According to British media, The Rock only sleeps 4 hours a day to have more time to practice. He often goes to bed at midnight and wakes up at 4 a.m. before starting his training session.

“I workout 6 days a week and usually in the morning. However, depending on my schedule, I can also workout in the evening. But I definitely prefer to workout in the morning. I divide my workouts into different groups. group of exercises about legs, back, shoulders, chest, front muscles, back muscles. I use dumbbells, barbells, cables and exercise machines.”

At this time, The Rock is focusing on acting. However, the American wrestler has not officially left the wrestling industry yet. There is information that The Rock may return to perform in WWE later this year.

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